GHASBO Membership Process

001Company Registeration
Your company or brand must be registered in Ghana under the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) and the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre Act 2013 (Act 865).
002Gaming Licence
You need a gaming licence number to operate legally in Ghana per The Ghana Gaming Act, 2006.
003Register with your representative
Provide the details of the person that will represent your organisation at GHASBO and shall receive GHASBO communication, usually your company's director.
004Pay your membership fee
To finance the work of GHASBO it was agreed to charge a membership fee of US$5,000 for the first year. Any changes to such fee will be decided upon by the members based on the financials of the first year.
005Hurray !
You are officially a member of The Ghana Association of Sports Betting Operators (GHASBO)
Membership of GHASBO is open to all companies who are licensed as sports betting operators by the Gaming Commission of Ghana. All membership applications are subject to approval by the GHASBO Board.
If you are an operator and want to become a member of GHASBO, please register your interest.